• What Girls Are Made Of is the true story of Bissett's teenage years, rocketed into teenage stardom, suddenly dropped by their manager. Based on her meticulously detailed, pull-no-punches diaries, which she found after the death of her father.

    Described by Miro Magazine as "a glorious mixture of harrowing and life-affirming messages", the script also includes a play list of female-led soundtracks, that were played in the production.


    by Cora Bissett

    Director-Orla O’Loughlin

    Set & Costume Designer - Ana Inés Jabares-Pita

    Lighting Designer -Lizzie Powell

    Composer & Sound Designer -  MJ McCarthy

    Music Director- Aly Macrae

    Assistant Director- Eve Nicol

    Photography by Sid Scott - www.seeimaginedefine.com